The Change in Ottawa County Public Health: From Mansaray to Uganski as Deputy Health Officer

Ottawa County announces retirement of deputy health officer and names successor

Lisa Uganski, the current Health Planning and Promotion Manager at the Ottawa County Department of Public Health (OCDPH), will be taking over as Deputy Health Officer starting on June 3. This change will take effect at the end of May, as outgoing Deputy Health Officer Marcia Mansaray retires on May 31, 2024. Mansaray has been with OCDPH since 2006 and has played a pivotal role in leading the department through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mansaray expressed her gratitude to her colleagues for their support throughout her time with OCDPH, while also expressing excitement about new adventures in retirement. She reflected on her time with the department and how it has impacted her personally. She mentioned how passionate she is about public health work and how grateful she is for the opportunity to have served such a wonderful community.

Uganski, who has been with OCDPH since 2000, expressed excitement about stepping into this new role. She brings a wealth of experience to her new position and is dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents in Ottawa County through public health initiatives. She praised Mansaray’s service to the community and noted her unique qualities of wisdom, empathy, and grace.

Health Officer Adeline Hambley commended Mansaray’s contributions to the community and looked forward to seeing Uganski step into this new role. She expressed confidence that Uganski would continue to uphold the high standards of public health in Ottawa County with her knowledge, expertise, and passion for serving the community.

In conclusion, Mansaray’s retirement marks an important chapter in OCDPH’s history as she reflects on her time with the department while looking forward to new adventures in retirement. The departure of one leader paves way for another as Uganski takes over as Deputy Health Officer starting on June 3rd bringing a wealth of experience and dedication towards improving public health in Ottawa County.

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