Chattanooga: Stricter Safety Measures in Wake of Double Shootings

Local business owners express concern following shooting at Eastgate Circle on Friday | Local News

In the early morning hours of Friday, a 27-year-old man was shot in the parking lot near the Eastgate Town Center. The Chattanooga Police Department, Chattanooga Fire Department, and Hamilton County EMS quickly responded to the scene. The victim was transported to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries.

As we spoke with witnesses and gathered more information about the incident, it became clear that two gunshots had been fired at the man as he walked towards a business in the area. A person who was inside the Tennessee Community Counseling Services and DUI school at the time of the shooting reported hearing those shots and then seeing the victim enter the building after being hit. Across from where the shooting took place is Molly Maid, an office manager who heard those gunshots and saw firetrucks and ambulances arrive on scene shortly after.

Crow expressed her concerns about the incident, referencing another shooting that had happened at T-Mobile on Brainerd Road just weeks ago. She found it alarming to have two shootings occur in such a short timeframe, which prompted her to implement stricter safety measures. Crow said that they now keep their doors locked at all times and ensure that employees have keys to maintain door security.

The consecutive shootings have raised questions and prompted extra caution among residents and business managers in

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